Freitag, 25. Oktober 2019

Build your own rod - Choosing the blank

This is the second part of the Build your own rod- series and we will handle the topic of choosing the right blank.

It's not easy to choose among the abundant offers of blanks for fly rods on the market.
But for the beginning you should think about the use case of your rod.
Are you fishing for trout on a small stream or do you want to go big fish hunting on a river or big lake?

For example fishing a smaller stream targeting trout, grayling or chub in general you have two possibilities.
First is to build an all purpose fly fishing stick which will cover most situations for your regular fishing. In my opinion this would be a #4 in a length of 8'-9'.
In the past there would have been the recommendation for a #5 or #6, but I think the modern materials make it possible to cover most situations with a #4.

The second one is to build for every situation and method a separate rod, like all crazy fishing addicts would do. And all of them would say you need each of the rod.
So for dry fly fishing a #3 in 7', a #5-#6 streamer stick, a #3-#4 10' nymphing stick and a #3-#4 fun stick as an all purpose rod on top.

This scenario will repeat for every species you want to target. Whether you want to go perch or pike fishing, go in search for sea trout, chasing salmon in the streams of Sweden or Norway, hunting predators in the tropical salt... and so on.

Beside the use case of the rod, you can also choose the material of the rod. Lately the glass rods are coming back into the modern fly fishing again.
Personally I have to say that I'm a really huge fan of the new modern glass rods which are now available on the market. They can't be compared to the ones in the past.
They are light, but still very durable and they look amazing. But sure all carbon rods have a place in my arsenal.
For example when nymph fishing, I use my carbon rod because I have much better contact to the nymph compared to a glass rod.

In the end this is your own personal decision which rod you build for which situation and what material you choose. If you're not 100% sure, ask your rod building dealer. He will for sure support you to choose the right blank for use case.

After we have found the right blank for our target, we have to select reel seat, handle, guides and thread. This will be the topic of the next part of this series.

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