Donnerstag, 8. August 2019

From Zero to Zero. At least you know nothing

While scrolling through all of my old fishing pictures, I found on that amazed me more than all the others. The story behind is the following:
It’s Christmas 2012 and a yung man got his first fly tying vise. In the local fishing shop the bought a zonker patch and some dubbing.
In this hour he tied his first fly ever.

Seven years later I see this picture of my very first tied fly ever and I look back at the progress I made since then. Without any knowledge of flytying and flyfishing I started and tried to make my may.

There were a lot of ups and downs through the whole way, mistakes and eye openers. The Internet is a great opinion to build up knowledge on how to do and not to do, but it can also be frustration because you were overwhelmed by all these great fishing pictures and big fishes compared to your catchless tries and “failures”.
My opinion is, that you have to find the right path between getting inspiration from all of the content and practicing it on the vise and test it at the water.

Recently I caught myself thinking I know a lot of stuff related to flytying and flyfishing, but I immediately realized that I only see the tip if the iceberg and there is so much more to learn.
More materials, more techniques, different use cases and so on.

In the end I feel a little bit like Jon Snow in Gmae of Thrones. After seven seasons of flytying I think I know a lot of stuff, but in the end I have to admint that I know nothing.

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